
Why Prostatitis Treatments Say No to Surgery

Why Prostatitis Treatments Say No to Surgery
Generally speaking, surgery is not a preferred approach to chronic prostatits treatment, because it may leave trauma on patients’ bodies. It is only taken into consideration under conditions that long-term routine treatments are unavailable or ineffective as well as patients suffer from serious chronic prostatitis, especially those with prostate stone, prostate abscess, prostate cancer.

Why say no to surgery
  1. The majority of patients with prostate diseases can get recovery through routine treatments including oral or intravenous antibiotics. Furthermore, Chinese medicine such as Diuretic And Anti-Inflammatory Pill proves very useful.
  2. Surgery may lead to consequence like partial or complete loss of sexual function.
  3. long stimulus of inflammation causes adhesion between prostate and the surrounding tissues, and this results in easy blooding in the surgery and difficulty in removing adhesion. In addition, surgery runs a high risk of getting complications due to its possibility to hurt the surrounding  tissues.
  4. Surgery on prostatitis require sophisticated skill and advanced medical equipment. What matters is that chinese herbs for prostate inflammation cannot be completely cured by surgery.Symptoms of prostatitis still trouble the patients who have received procedures.

For above reasons, many patients may change their attitude to surgery and try to seek other remedies like Chinese medicine on prostatitis.

The Chinese herbalist regards the whole human individual as a integrated biological entity. Excerpt for using herbal preparation on specific, direct needs of symptom control,their indirect abilities is also taken into consideration. They will adopt a direction emphasizing on a maintenance of uninfected organs while the diseased organs strive to recover under the influence of body defence. The formula is created not for the control of symptoms but also for a transition to health promotion.

Therefore, natural remedies for prostatitis can be well cured by Chinese medicine and show a low rate of recurrence. Here I’d like to recommend skillful Herbalist Lee Xiaoping and her product named Diuretic And Anti-Inflammatory Pill which proves very useful.

Post-urination Standing can lower risks of prostatitis

Post-urination Standing can lower risks of prostatitis
Instant sitting after urination cause prostatitis
Link between prostatitis and Instant sitting after urination
A simple action to lower the risks of prostatitis
A simple action benefits prostatitis

A simple action may be meaningful to male health. For men, instant sitting should be avoided from urination. Stand or walk for 3 to 5 minutes can make men urinate completely and let urethra restore, which can lower the risks of getting prostatitis natural treatment.

Li Zhigang from WuJing Hospital, a expert, says that the urethra of men is longer than that of women, so frequent and urgent urination often happen, which may be able to cause urinary tract infection.

People may wonder how to get a thorough urination. Doctor LI gives some useful tips.
  1. Men had better to squat when urinate. Because squatting can increase abdominal pressure, speed up urination and lower the risks of getting diseases. If you feel inconvenient in public washrooms, please try it out at home.
  2. Press the perineum when urinate or take a bath, which help to clear away urinary retention in bladder and is useful to prosatitis cure.
  3. keep levator ani movement to strengthen muscle force in perineum and urethra to reduce urinary retention in bladder. Inner and outer sphincter muscle of urethra closing makes urethra in prostate a seal. Instant sitting after urinate will increase the pressure within it and make  bacteria that cause prostatitis may get into prostate from urethra by backward flow of infected urine.
In addition, doctor Li suggests that people suffering from chinese herbs for prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia had better not struggle to urinate, in order to avoid increasing abdominal pressure and intensifying symptoms. Furthermore, people like drivers, office clerk who have a sedentary lifestyle or job should stand up and stretch their bodies every 40 minutes. These movements can supply prostate enough blood.

What Chinese herbs can work on Prostatitis

What Chinese herbs can work on Prostatitis
Magic Chinese herbs on Prostatits treatment
Take Chinese Herbs to Cure Prostatitis
Use chinese herbs to cure Prosttits
Effects of Chinese herbs on prostatitis
Chinese herbs can cure prostatitis
What kinds of Chinese herbs can release or cure prostatitis? Prostatitis is a common male disease that troubles a lot of men. It often classified into two kinds: bacterial prostatitis and noninfectious one. The two kinds have the similar symptoms, but chronic noninfectious prostatitis is more difficult to deal with, often with long-term treatment cycle and serious consequence such as sexual dysfunction or even infertility.

Take Chinese herbs can how to treat prostatitis?
From the perspective of Chinese medicine this disease results from block gland catheter   because of chronic prostate congestion and prostate edema. Acute prostatitis is caused by discharges accumulating during the backward flow of urine. The symptoms are frequent and urgent urination, painful urination, abdominal pain. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, treatment should emphasize eliminating heat and toxicity and encouraging secretion drainage

The symptoms of new prostatitis treatment due to dampness and heat are burning and painful urination, abdominal pain, yellow thick tongue. Chinese herbs of heat-clearing and detoxifying such as Polygonum aviculare, pink herb have the immunotherapy effect in anti-infections therapy.

The symptoms of prostatitis due to spleen deficiency and heavy dampness are turbid urine, yellow face, weak limbs, poor appetite, white tongue. Treatment should therefore emphasie nourishing the spleen and ex-pulsing the dampness. Chinese herbs such as angelica sinensiss, red peony root are advocated.

Except two types above, there are still other kinds of prostatitis including Oi-blood stasis, kidney-Yang deficiency, kidney-Yin deficiency, liver-Yin deficiency and so on. Chinese medicine pay more attention to classifying prostatitis into different types, only by this way Chinese medicine treatments can effect well.

People with chronic prostatitis can have a try on Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which is developed by herbalist Lee Xiaoping who specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases for 30 years. The herbs in Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill work effectively and directly into reproductive system and urinary system, to completely clear up infections. It terminates chronic pain by notably improving blood circulation and eliminate inflammation gradually.

5 Diseases Similar to Chronic Prostatitis

5 Diseases Similar to Chronic Prostatitis
Don’t Mistake Chronic Prostatitis for These 5 Diseases
Don’t Mix Chronic Prostatitis and These 5 Diseases

natural remedies for prostatitis is a disease with high morbidity, accounting for 50% of all office visit for complaints involving the genital and urinary systems from young and middle-aged men. Its pathology, etiology as well as clinical symptoms are very complex and diverse. This disease and its complications truly impact the quality of life for people with it, being tormented physically or in spirit.

In the past years people think that chronic prostatitis is an inflammation of prostate. But it proves a one-sided opinion. According to the studies on chronic prostatitis from modern medical field, this disease is relating to chronic pelvis pain syndrome or lower urinary tract symptoms, representing inflammation or functional disorder of prostate and its surrounding tissues and organs. There, let’s distinguish between chronic prostatits and other “confusingly similar” diseases.

  1. home remedies for prostatitis and cystitis: the symptoms of these two diseases ate similar to that of chronic prostatitis. If patients suffering from the former go for the examination of prostatitis, the result will be normal.
  2. Prostatalgia: no solid lesion while with pain in perineum and up publis as well as urination disorder. In this condition, prostate proves healthy by digital rectal exam, prostate fluid proves normal by  
  3. Granulomatous prostatitis: though its symptoms and result of digital rectal exam are similar to chronic prostatitis, its symptoms deteriorate quicker. Further exams such as biopsy will be recommended to patients.
  4. prostatic tuberculosis: its symptoms are similar to chronic prostatitis, but with urinary tuberculosis or tuberculosis in other parts of the body. By digital rectal exam, doctor can find irregular abscess in the prostate, swelling and hard epididymis, bead-like induration in spermatic duct.
  5. Prostate calculus: stones are inside of prostatic acini and ducts. Its symptoms are similar to chronic prostatitis, but sound and image will appear when ultrasound scan the region of prostate calculus.

From above parts, patients can have a basic knowledge of these diseases, and will be able know what disease they exactly have. By the way, go to hospital for body check is the first choice. As to chronic prostatitis, it responds well to Chinese medicine. And the product Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill proves very effective.

How can we judge if there are bacteria in prostate?

How can we judge if there are bacteria in prostate?

There are two different types of prostatitis: bacterial prostatitis and nonbacterial home remedies for prostatitis. Even though there are similarities existing in some ways, we should still distinguish the treatment of these two types. In order to choose better targeted treatment of prostatitis, the diagnosis of prostatitis is crucial. So how to identify the presence of bacteria with prostatitis?
  1. The confirmation about whether prostatitis is bacterial or abacterial is mainly based on the culture of prostatic fluid clinically. Bacterial prostatitis is often accompanied by urinary tract infection, and there is an excess of inflammatory bacteria in the prostatic fluid, because the bacterial culture of the prostatic fluid is positive. While urinary tract infection is rarely found in non-bacterial prostatitis or prostatic pain, but there are a large number of inflammatory cells in the prostatic fluid. 
  2. The urine tests between bacterial and prostatitis supplements are different. Bacteria have been found in the urine of bacteria prostatitis patients, which often companies with symptoms of urinary tract infection like frequent and urgent urination, burning pain in urethra etc.; However, abacterial prostatitis is not necessarily associated with urinary tract infection, and bladder irritation does not always occur, which doesn't mean there isn’t any urethral discomfort. That is because chronic abacterial prostatitis can cause congestion in the posterior urethra to a certain extent. It will lead to some stimulation, resulting in a mild discomfort of urination and slight burning sensation in the urethra, which is much softer than that of chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  3. There are different results of digital rectal examination between these two types. The prostate glands with bacteria are normal or slightly swollen and its texture is hard; nonbacterial prostatic glands are swollen, soft and easy to discharge thin prostate fluid after massage. The excretion of prostate fluid is pretty much, around 0.5~6 ml.
Though antibiotics are commonly-used medicine for treating prostatitis, they are ineffective for most of patients since 90% of cases are without an infection. It’s improper to take antibiotic treatment if the disease is not caused by bacteria. It can’t cure the inflammation but cause side effects including liver and kidney damages. For patients who have no significant improvement by using antibiotics for prostatitis, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a better option for it has no side effects or drug resistance.
If you want to know more information about Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill or ask more questions about prostatitis, you can visit the official website: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/ 

Abuse of Antibiotics Causes the Recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection

Abuse of Antibiotics Causes the Recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection
How to Avoid Recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection
Abuse of Antibiotics Leads to the Recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection Says No to Abuse of Antibiotics
Why Urinary Tract Infection Recur
What causes the Recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection

best treatment for chronic prostatitis urinary tract infection, also known as urinary system infection, is a bacterial infection marked by inflammation of urothelium. People with this disease often suffer from its recurrences, bring troubles to their life and decreasing their confidence in treatments. However, they know little about how to cure it. Here, says Dr. Di Jinming, chief physicians from the Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, there are two factors of the recurrence of urinary tract infection-still existence of pathogenic bacteria and abuse of medicine in the course of treatment.

Dr. Jin indicate that urinary tract infection results fro 3 main factors: invasive bacteria (bacteria get into the urinary system and causes inflammation of it), urinary tract deformity (congenital urinary tract deformity triggers urinary tract infection ), personal diseases such as weak immunity, immunity dysfunction and underlying diseases. Foe example, women have short, broad and straight urinary tracts, making bacteria easily get into them; and the easy infections often happen to people with congenital short urethra and vagina. In addition, other conditions such as urinary obstruction and urolithiasis increase the risks of getting urinary tract infection. If patients are not completely free from all these factors, there is a strong possibility of recurrence chronic nonbacterial prostatitis treatment.

To avoid abuse of medicine
excessive use of medicine can easily arise in the course of treatment. Some patients excessively  rely on antibiotics. Usually they take oral antibiotics immediately once feel uncomfortable urination, even large-dose, long-duration antibiotics therapy in spite of symptom-free. However, abuse of antibiotics may result in dysbacteria and bacterial resistance within the body, bring harm to human health and inefficiency of antibiotics to the next treatment.

Another condition is the Inadequate use of medicine. Some patients don’t go to see a doctor, instead, they prefer to buy antibiotics by themselves; but most of them don’t follow the full course when they no longer have any symptoms, making urinary tract infection recur after some time.
For reasons above, Chinese medicine may be a better choice without any side effect and drug resistance. Patients suffering from URI can have a try at Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill which proves very useful.


What is the Relationship between Prostate and Sex

What is the Relationship between Prostate and Sex

If you know little about a disease, it will become difficult for you to prevent it, let alone one that can appear in four different forms. However, here are some suggestions from experts to prevent best treatment for chronic prostatitis.
  1. drink lots of water and do not hold your urination back.
Prostate gland is one of the most glands in male. Because it places in front of bladder just like solders, so people call it “pro+state”. Prostate gland is covered by countless nerve nets and nerve endings which enable prostate gland to connect with other parts of the body. Therefore, prostatitis can lead to mixed and complex constitutional symptoms.
What is the correlation between prostate gland and sex? Can a man with a enlarged prostate enjoy sex?
1. new prostatitis treatment is a sensitive organ and has close relationship with sex.
For a man with normal physiological development, discharge from glands in reproductive system will increase with sexual stimulus. Prostate gland needs to drain its discharge at irregular intervals. So regular sexes can expel prostate fluid and release its stress.
If a mature man sustains sexual repression for a long time, what’s the affection to his prostate gland? Because of rare sex, prostate fluid and congestion, continuous excite of sympathetic nervous system will intensify obstructive nephropathy and urinary irritation symptoms, finally resulting in urinary frequency and urgency.
  1. man with a enlarged prostate don’t need to refrain from sex but have a moderate and regular one.
A enlarged prostate may be able to trigger temperate sexual excitement. Almost all middle-aged men suffer from enlarged prostates somehow and experience growing sexual desire at its beginning. This kind of sexual desire because of the reaction of testicle to the disorder of prostate function. However, growing sexual desire can’t reduce this symptoms, instead, it aggravates the disease.
In conclusion, men should take care of their prostate in everyday life and hold the balance between sex and prostate. Furthermore, men suffer from it should seek medical attention as soon as possible, and skillful herbalist Lee with 30-year experience on treating male urinary and reproductive system diseases will be able to help you. You can get professional treatments and suggestions from Lee at http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/

Spa in Winter Benefits People with Chronic prostatitis

Spa in Winter Benefits People with Chronic prostatitis
how to treat prostatitis from chronic prostatits may experience many different kinds of symptoms such as frequent urinary, weak urine flow and decreasing sexual ability. During this low period, optimistic attitude is essential and professional suggestions from experts should be taken including avoiding long-time riding or sitting, urine-holding and playing sports. In addition, patients can maintain health care by going to a spa.
According to philosophical basic of Chinese medicine, some diseases such as urinary tract infection, chronic prostatis are easily affected in summer. Because bacteria multiplies and spread quickly in hot temperature; and at the same time, heat and dampness invade people easily because people prefer to drink and eat cold thing and stay in air-conditioned room. But in winter, many symptoms of these diseases release or disappear in cold temperature. So winter is a great opportunity to cure disease infected in summer. For these reasons, among all natural therapies recommended by Chinese medicine, nothing is better than a warm spa in cold winter.
best treatment for prostatitis Many patients often wonder whether people with chronic prostatitis can enjoy a spa. The answer is YES. Professor Yangli from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science advice that patients with chronic prostatitis can go to spa in a moderate way. Because spa does good to chronic prostatitis. It improves blood and Qi circulation, eliminates dampness and heat as well as toxicity, and releases stress and pains.
However, Do you really know how to enjoy spa?
At first, you should clean your body. If everybody can do this, there will be a clean, safe and healthful public water pool, which makes contribution to public health. A dirty pool full of bacteria may intensify your symptoms. Second, put in clean swimwear. Third, walk through a pool of disinfection which is simple process to disinfect your foot. Finally, you can go into the hot spring and enjoy it. After several spas in the whole winter, you may feel better. Furthermore, spa in combination with Chinese medicine treatment will get a more therapeutic effects and people can get a full recovery.

How to get Maximum Effect with Minimum Expense on Prostatitis

How to get Maximum Effect with Minimum Expense on Prostatitis

For this taxi driver, Chinese Medicine made all the difference
Mr. Carber is an ordinary taxi driver at his middle age. One year ago, just like many other middle-aged men, he irritable and obese. What behind these appearances may some more serious problems. His body may slow down and becomes sensitive to diet, substance abuse and stress. Chronic health problems such as prostatitis become the most challenging issue. For instance, Carber was once so desperate he urinated frequency and urgency during his work time. But after several tries at some treatment for best treatment for chronic prostatitis from herbalist Lee, everything is different. Today, he becomes a man of moderate temper and confidence.
Over the last year, Carber also introduced herbalist Lee and her product Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to his friends suffering from the same disease and the majority of them get recovery with the help of herbalist Lee.
Sick and tired of taking antibiotics,over and over again? Sick and tired of suffering from recurrence of new prostatitis treatment, over and over again? Sick and tired of spending lots of money in prostatitis, over and over again?
Don’t worry, you just need to seek help from herbalist Lee. She will tell you where the disease’s hiding, and how to get rid of it. Traditional Chinese medicine is not for the control of symptoms but also for a transition to health promotion, so it is a economical choice taking advantage of no antibiotics and no recurrence. You will find out how to maintain your body as a integrated biological entity, so you can prevent from other diseases. Don’t worry whether you easily come down with halitosis or dyspepsia...lower abdominal pain or weak immunity...or even kidney deficiency. Once you come to herbalist Lee, everything will be OK.
You can know more about this product at http://www.diureticspill.com/
You can get professional treatments and suggestions from Lee at http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/


Herbal Medicine to Be New Relief of Epididymitis and Orchitis, Reveals Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic

Herbal Medicine to Be New Relief of Epididymitis and Orchitis, Reveals Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic

nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms A clinical trial published in the China Traditional Chinese Medicine Magazine reveals that herbal medicine is going to be a new relief of epididymitis and orchitis, states Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic. A clinical trial recently published in the China Traditional Chinese Medicine Magazine reveals that herbal medicine is going to be a new relief of epididymitis and orchitis. The trial was conducted in Feb, 2013. Result from this trial showed an overall response rate of 92 percent. Typical symptom - pain and swell reduced in different level after two months supply. prostatitis pain makes up 1 in 144 outpatient visits (0.69 percent) in men 18 to 50 years old or 600,000 cases in men between 18 to 35 in the United States. Epididymitis and orchitis are both genital conditions in men, causing swell, pain, or hydrocele. Fever often occur on those who’s condition’s in the acute stage. "All patients response well to Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which lacks many of the side effects even in patients with high-risk of genital complications, " says study co-leader Dawn Chou, MD, director of the division of TCM and a urology specialist at the Hubei TCM Hospital. The trial involved 85 patient with chronic epididymitis and/or orchitis (median age, 36) who took Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill twice daily. Forty-nine patients received a 12.5 grams dose and 36 patients received a 25 grams dose. Two patient given 25 grams dose with very slight condition have all pain and swell cleared up after two months. Long-term therapy was not associated with any adverse effects. Funding for the study was provided by the producer and patent owner Dr. Lee Xiaoping, and Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic. For more details, please visit http://www.diureticspill.com About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and the herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective on treating tubal conditions. The formula is patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C) with the application number 200910157894.

Frequent Urination can be Terminated by Taking Herbal Medicine with No Side Effects, Highlights Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic

Frequent Urination can be Terminated by Taking Herbal Medicine with No Side Effects, Highlights Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic

prostatitis diet, the need to urinate more often than usual, can be terminated gradually by taking herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill without side effects. Cheqianzi, Qumai, Bianxu are the three main herbs used in the medicine to treat the symptom of frequent urination, herbalist Li Xiaoping reveals. Frequent urination is usually related to urinary tract infection and chronic prostatitis. However, people with frequent urination are often prescribed with antibiotics with no cure and many side effects. In contrast, herbalist Li Xiaoping’s medicine for urogenital diseases helps terminate urinary tract infection and chronic prostatitis by inducing diuresis for treating stranguria naturally and harmlessly, Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic reveals. prostatitis foods to eat According to Mayoclinic, acute bacterial prostatitis is often caused by bacteria which is carried in urine leaks into your prostate. Bacteria can also move upward to the bladder and cause bladder infections. The infections lead to the symptom of frequent urination or urgent urination. Even if there is no pathogenic bacteria found, swollen prostate can oppress urethra and cause the need to urinate. Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., a director of Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon, stated in his article, "Unlike antibiotic therapies, which are known to have no impact on the symptoms of urinary urgency, urinary frequency, and bladder pain, the Chinese herb therapies may have therapeutic functions that differ from merely inhibiting the bacterial activity. Most of the herbs utilized for the bladder syndromes are aimed at alleviating a condition defined as 'damp heat of the lower burner (jiao).' " Herbalist Li Xiaoping holds the same point of view. "I applied Plantago seed (cheqianzi), Dianthus (qumai), Polygonum (bianxu) in my formula. These herbs have the properties of clearing heat and draining or drying dampness. They are selected for having a primary action on the genito-urinary system. And they are also the main herbs of a traditional formula Bazheng San to treat urinary bladder syndromes." Wuhan Dr.Lee's TCM Clinic receives many positive comments from its patients across the world. A new message comes from a man who had prostatitis and urinary infection for 3 years. "I am Steve, from maryland, USA. I am happy to let you know that I have great improvements with your pills. I used to go to toilet every 20 minutes. After taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for 2 months, my urine is getting normal. The burning sensation has been away too. The herbs have made a huge difference, and it was worth every penny!" "A man's well-being can be impaired by frequent urination caused by prostatitis, UTI and long-term antibiotics," comments Dr. Li. "The side-effects-free herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is able to terminate frequent urination, helping men to get rid of physical pains and mental stress caused by urinary discomfort." For more information please visit http://prostatitisradicalcure.com. About Dr. Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr. Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis, UTI and cystitis etc.

Compared To Antibiotics, Unique Features Of Herbal Medicine Offers Radical And Safe Cure For Chronic Prostatitis, Says Dr. Lee Xiaoping From China

Compared To Antibiotics, Unique Features Of Herbal Medicine Offers Radical And Safe Cure For Chronic Prostatitis, Says Dr. Lee Xiaoping From China

prostatitis foods to avoid of China (SIPO) has approved a herbal medicine for chronic prostatitis. Produced by Dr. Lee Xiaoping who is the Chief Doctor of Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM, the formula has been applied clinically in treating chronic prostatitis for years. 24 March, 2015 – NY – Because of the drug resistance and side effect of antibiotics, antibiotics are considered as a cure only for acute bacterial prostatitis which commonly can be cured in short time. Due to this reason, Dr. Lee who has practiced herbal medicine for more than thirty years devotes herself to developing drug resistance-free medications. After many years’ clinical experience, finally, the herbal medicine – Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is invented. Now, chronic prostatitis patients can also enjoy a relief. “Differs from the antibiotics, the pill has lots of unique functions,” according to the Dr. Lee, “by the combination of over 50 wild herbs, this herbal medicine is able to kill bacteria, remove blood stasis, soften hard lumps, promote QI and relieve the bulge and pain for patients. This herbal medicine also has no drug resistance because it is made from natural herbs which have been used for thousands years in China and proved to be no side effect. So it can be taken as safe as fruits and vegetables. Besides, the pill works on the whole body by improving the immunity and the self-healing ability, which greatly reduce the high relapse of prostatitis. The cure rate can be as high as 95% with the help of this herbal medicine.” Read more functions of diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill at: http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20150317/667.html Aron, 30, a bank staff, from London, received a radical cure after taking this wonderful medication. Aron told Dr. Lee that he was too desperate to curing his chronic bacterial prostatitis. No matter how long antibiotics he used to taken, symptoms went back again after drug withdrawal. But Diuretic and anti-inflammatory made him alive again. This herbal medicine completed the task that antibiotics cannot do. chronic prostatitis diet Antibiotics do have effect at the early stage of prostatitis, however, it will be noneffective for the long-term use because of the drug resistance. That is the reason why Aron will experience repeated symptoms. According to many cases of prostatitis in clinic, antibiotics are not good choices for chronic bacterial prostatitis. And in accordance with the anatomy of prostate gland, it has a layer which used to block bacteria outside can also block the penetration of antibiotics. Therefore, most of effective materials are unable to reach the prostate, eliminate the bacteria and cure the prostatitis. Fortunately, the Channel ushering drug of diuretic and ant-inflammatory pill can guide the medicine effect on the prostate directly, maximize all the effective material greatly and shorten treating course. Husk who had tried antibiotics before on curing his chronic bacterial prostatitis and accepted a final relief after taking this Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill gives Dr. Lee a feedback like this “herbal medicine is better than antibiotics. What I experienced after taking this herbal medicine never happens while I was on antibiotics. Antibiotics can only ease the pain for me instead of eliminating it. But diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is different. After taking this medicine for about one month, my pain by the daytime has almost gone. After finishing the whole three months’ treatment, the three-month treatment, I am totally cured. I went to see my doctor she is also happy to see the improvement. I am so glad that I discovered you and your medicine as I now have achieved a cure. I like to thank the product again for this miracle!” The herbal medicine is made by the combination of over 50 herbs based on the ancient prescription. So it not only can cure the chronic prostatitis, but also can cure other male uro-genital diseases like epididymitis, orchitis, seminal vesiculitis and so on. This herbal medicine can also cure these diseases from the root causes and the symptoms at the same time. To know more about this herbal medicine, please visit this page: http://www.diureticspill.com/ About Dr. Lee Xiaoping and the herbal medicine: Dr. Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted to her clinic for 30 years. And worked on the formula of Diuretic and anti-inflammatory Pill for many years. The medicine has proven to be effective on treating prostatitis, chlamydia, male infertility and so on. The formula is patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C) with the application number 200910157894.


Increasing Number of Prostatitis Sufferers Choose Herbal Medicine to Treat Prostate, Reveals Wuhan Dr. Li's Clinic

Increasing Number of Prostatitis Sufferers Choose Herbal Medicine to Treat Prostate, Reveals Wuhan Dr. Li's Clinic

prostatitis antibiotics not helping to Wuhan Dr. Li's Clinic, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is entering the world market with its unique power to treat chronic prostatitis. With the new natural medication, the recovery from chronic prostatitis become extremely easy. The herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill have risen dramatically as a treatment option to terminates prostatitis effectively and harmlessly. Current treatment options for prostatitis are severely limited by side effects and drug resistance of antibiotics. Compared to expensive and unsafe conventional options for the treatment of chronic diseases, natural treatments have some advantages. best treatment for prostatitisTCM theory holds that Yuxingcao has the effect of clearing heat, removing toxicity, and inducing diuresis for treating stranguria. And also, modern scientific research proves that heartleaf houttuynia herb element has significant antibacterial action to micrococcus catarrhalis, pneumococcus, flu bacillus and the staphylococcus aureus etc. Except for Yuxingcao, other herbs such as Huangqin, Huanglian also has obvious antibacterial effect. "I applied these herbs into my formula for not only antibacteria, but also regulating male urogenital system function to make all functions go normal. That's the advantages of the herbal medicine." says Dr.Li Xiaoping, "More and more patients from other countries take this medication. It's my honor to let the world know the magic of traditional Chinese medicine." Mr. David, 44, an architect, had chronic prostatitis for the last 6 years. He felt anus pain, penis swelling, frequent urination and burning sensation when passing urine. "My urologist put me on Cipro 500 mg twice a day for 3 weeks, however the antibiotic is wreaking havoc on my body and doesn't seem to be killing the bacteria. I'm so desperate right now and in a lot of pain." Mr. David complained. On July 7th 2012, David came to Wuhan Dr.Li's Clinic and then he was prescribed three months of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. When he took the medication for 1 and 1/2 months, he said:"I'm so happy that the pain is gone and the swelling is no longer there". When he finished the medication, he shared, "All symptoms of chronic prostatitis are gone. To be Honest i never thought of it. Chinese herbs are so wonderful. I have seen your profession. Thank you Dr.Li!" Patients with chronic prostatitis have now got the natural medication to terminates prostatitis. While the previously most common treatment with antibiotics raises serious concerns, the unique natural treatment with Dr. Li's medicine will becomes increasingly popular as it has proved its efficacy. For more information please visit prostatitisradicalcure.com About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis.

Intractable Chronic Epididymitis And Its Complications Can be Cured Safely And Efficiently By Herbal Medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill

Intractable Chronic Epididymitis And Its Complications Can be Cured Safely And Efficiently By Herbal Medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill

best treatment for chronic prostatitisMen who are suffering from intractable chronic epididymitis and its complications over years, can be radically cured by patented herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, highlights Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic. As the development of the medical technology, the treatments for curing chronic epididymitis are varied, such as antibiotics, surgery and ultrashort wave therapy. Though these methods are beneficial for the improvement of chronic epididymitis, each of them has its own weaknesses. Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned about the potential side effects of antibiotics which outweigh benefits for some infections. The news is reported by Eyewitness News. You can click the link to know more about the news: http://abc7ny.com/health/fda-side-effects-of-antibiotics-outweigh-benefit-for-some-infections/1337413/ new prostatitis treatmentOn curing chronic epididymitis, Dr. Lee, a famous herbalist in Wuhan China, invented Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which is made from purely natural herbs. Because of its herbal formula, it has no side effects compared with antibiotics treatment which can cause damages of kidneys or liver, drug resistance and tolerance, and repeatedly recurrence. “Clinically, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can completely permeate to the infected organs because of the guiding herbs (Channel ushering drug) in the pill. It can be safely and efficiently to cure the disease radically,” Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic reveals. TCM, the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese, plays an important role in treating intractable chronic epididymitis. Commonly, when the epididymis is infected by pathogenic bacteria, the defense of immune system will decrease. Thus, it’s easy to cause chronic epididymitis. The comprehensive functions of TCM make it can eliminate the symptoms of chronic prostatitis effectively. For instance, as a kind of TCM, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can kill the pathogenic bacteria and eliminate the inflammation by functions of antisepsis and anti-inflammation. Thus, the production of inflammatory substances can be inhibited. Moreover, the herbs in the pill like safflower, angelica and red peony root have the properties of inhibiting the hyperplasia of inflammatory nodule and eliminating the small inflammatory nodules by promoting the blood circulation of epididymis. You can click the link to know more about the theories on curing this disease: http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Orchitis_Epididymitis/20140509/541.html “I have been bothered by chronic epididymitis for over a year, typical symptoms include pain and swelling with chronic epididymis knotting. Though many treatments have been tried, the condition has no obvious improvement. The long-term pain and swelling affect my life so much that I really want to get rid of this painful period.” Mr. Clarke is from Singapore, conventional treatments like antibiotics and surgery have weak curative effect on curing his chronic epididymitis. And the repeatedly recurrence made him anxious and depressed. To try his fortune and find an efficient method to cure the disease permanently, he found Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill by chance. Then he decided to start this herbal treatment. Fortunately, his attempt didn’t let him down. After about 4 months’ treatment, his symptoms were eliminated thoroughly. “After about 3 weeks treatment, things have calmed down a little and the pain is becoming less but still there with the tightness, then for 2 days have some recurrence of pain. After two months pills, I was still feeling improvements and one side seems nearly all back to normal. After 3 months and 2 weeks pills, the pain in epididymis was almost gone, the epididymitis was completely cured. But as the swelling and pain caused by the knotting still remained, I continued on the pills for several more months for treating the knotting. Now, all of my annoying symptoms have gone. Thanks to Dr. Lee’s help, I can keep a reasonable diet during the treatment.” The herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can not only cure the pain and discomfort caused by chronic epididymitis, but can also eliminate the symptoms like testicular pain and tenderness caused by its complication which is called orchitis . Commonly, patients with chronic epididymitis can have accompanied diseases like prostatitis or seminal vesiculitis. Therefore, it’s of necessity to examine whether there is prostatitis or seminal vesiculitis since these diseases can be infected with each other. If accompanied with these diseases, it’s essential to cure them simultaneously. Otherwise, the chronic epididymitis will recur repeatedly even though it can be cured. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is directed at the urogenital system diseases such as prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, orchitis, STDs like chlamydia and mycoplasma, UTI and so on, thus patients don’t need to take other medications during the treatment. Moreover, it’s purely natural and has no side effects and drug resistance and tolerance. Therefore, patients can take a continuous and long-term treatment. For more information about Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, please visit the website: http://www.diureticspill.com/ About Dr. Lee Xiaoping: Dr. Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has been proven to be effective and cured thousands of people who suffered from genital system diseases such as prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, seminal vesiculitis, chlamydia and mycoplasma infection, etc.

Recovery from Chronic Prostatitis with New Herbal Product Takes Three Months, States Wuhan Dr. Li's Clinic

Recovery from Chronic Prostatitis with New Herbal Product Takes Three Months, States Wuhan Dr. Li's Clinic

chronic nonbacterial prostatitis treatmentResearchers are ceaselessly looking for a successful treatment option for chronic prostatitis as many people are becoming dependent on or addicted to antibiotics, pain medications and more invasive methods, like prostate injections, which have been found of no use and possibly harmful. On the contrary, Dr. Li Xiaoping's herbal medicine "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" provides effective relief and cure without side effects, reveals Wuhan Dr. Li’s Clinic. "Conventional medicine concentrates on the symptoms and treats them aggressively, which weakens the body," says a new book, 'Healthy Prostate'. Most prostate treatment options, such as long-term antibiotics for chronic prostatitis, BPH medications and surgeries have been awared of the aggressive nature. In contrast, taking herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for chronic prostatitis results in a full recovery from a prostate problem, which can be expected in cases of both bacterial chronic prostatitis and nonbacterial chronic prostatitis. cpps treatmentContrary to typical conventional treatment options, Diuretic and anti inflammatory pill helps to recover from inflammation and to reduce swelling without any side effects. The medication works all the time creating an ideal environment for blood to pass through capillaries in the affected prostate tissue. The herbs improve blood circulation, cleanse the prostate and over time allows the body to repair itself through its own restorative mechanisms. Patients with chronic prostatitis can experience pelvic pain relief when starting to take the herbal medicine within a month. We are pleased to receive a new message from one of our patiens from Maryland, USA, who has been suffering from prostatitis for 5 years, and taking herbal pills for 2 months:"I'm currently in to the second of medication already and I see better improvements. I feel that the sting sensation is almost gone because I don't feel the stinging sensation for days. The swelling also feels smaller. The urethra is getting less red too. I would like to order my third month of medication." "It is common for a man with chronic prostatitis and receiving a treatment with herbal pills to experience the times when the symptoms get better and then alternate with the times when they are felt stronger again. The herbs improve the condition of the prostate gland gradually," says Dr. Li Xiaoping. "Chronic prostate inflammation must be treated gradually to achieve tangible success, and men are advised to be patient while taking herbal product to reach full recovery from chronic prostatitis." For more information please visit prostatitisradicalcure.com About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis.

Chronic Pain Resulting from Chronic Prostatitis Can Be Terminated by A New Herbal Medicine Without Side Effects, Highlights Wuhan Dr.Lee's TCM Clinic

Chronic Pain Resulting from Chronic Prostatitis Can Be Terminated by A New Herbal Medicine Without Side Effects, Highlights Wuhan Dr.Lee's TCM Clinic

chinese herbs for prostatitis Wuhan Dr Lee's TCM Clinic offers a new natural medication Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to terminate symptoms caused by chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) / non bacteria chronic prostatitis with side effects free, when people try hard to find an alternative medication for prostatitis cure without having serious side effects from antibiotics or injections. ommon chronic health conditions, such as chronic prostatitis, UTI and cystitis can now be treated with herbal medicine "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" effectively and naturally. It is very important as conventional treatment options can produce serious side effects, such as liver dysfunction and kidney dysfunction after antibiotics, tissue damaged after injection, and impotence after prostate removal procedures, Wuhan Dr Lee's TCM Clinic reveals. chinese herbs for prostate inflammation are difficult to cure prostatitis but bring side effects. For instance, patients' share their experiences on Health boards forum on prostatitis treatment with antibiotics, thus the message posted on July 2013 states: "I am 46 and had this for over a year and been on anti biotics to no avail. I have been on uroxatral and it doesn't really help. I feel dizzy after the medicines. " Dr.Lee explains that antibiotics can't really penetrate into prostate because of the molecular structure. She concludes that chronic prostatitis are caused by damp heat of the lower burner (jiao). Unlike antibiotic therapies, Chinese herb therapies may have therapeutic functions that differ from merely inhibiting the bacterial activity. And Pangolin scales as a guiding herb has strong function of penetration. Dr.Lee developed a formula for chronic prostatitis based on her profound medical experience. The herbs are used to improve blood circulation, clear heat and dampness, cleanse the prostate and over time allow the body to repair itself through its own restorative mechanisms. "The patients of Dr.Lee confirm the unique efficacy of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill on the progress of their problems," notes Wuhan Dr.Lee's TCM Clinic. "Dr. Lee's herbal medicine can be used to treat chronic prostatitis (CPPS) and UTI as it eases pain and other symptoms naturally. It treats chronic prostatitis safely up to full recovery and, moreover, help people enjoy pain free life." Hansruedi Z from Switzerland gives a positive feedback on prostatitis, "I am now in my third month of taking the pills against my CPPS and I all the pains are gone and I am very happy about the situation. I shall know finish the cure in about 2 weeks time. What do you recommend afterwards? Just return to normal life? Thank you for your help - you are doing a great job!" "I'm very glad to receive many positive feedbacks from patients across the world."Says Dr.Lee, "I'm proud that Traditional Chinese medicine helps people with common chronic conditions to achieve sustainable pain relief and effective treatment without any side effects. When people finish the three months treatment, they can return to normal life. A healthy lifestyle and good diet is still suggested after cure." For more information please visit http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/ About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis and UTI etc.

Chinese Herbal Medicine Can Reach into Prostate Gland and Treat Prostatitis Successfully As A New Option for Prostatitis Sufferers, States Wuhan Dr.Li's Clinic

Chinese Herbal Medicine Can Reach into Prostate Gland and Treat Prostatitis Successfully As A New Option for Prostatitis Sufferers, States Wuhan Dr.Li's Clinic

home remedies for prostatitis for men with chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) as an alternative medication for conventional treatments, such as long-term courses of antibiotics, which, according to studies, penetrate poorly into the prostate tissue and bring side effects. prostatitis supplements a popular choice of treatment for chronic prostatitis as it's effective and free from side effects, whereas antibiotics is difficult to penetrate into prostate tissue and cause unpleasant side effects, states Wuhan Dr.Li's Clinic. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill terminates chronic prostatitis pain by notably improving blood circulation in the prostate gland locally and eliminate inflammation gradually. The treatment of patients with prostatic infections, particularly chronic prostatitis, is a difficult medical problem. Part of the difficulty revolves around defining the infecting pathogen. Another aspect of the problem lies in the protected nature of the prostate with regard to antimicrobial penetration. A research made by K Charalabopoulosa reveals that antibiotics presenting a low pKa and a poor lipid solubility penetrate poorly into the prostate tissue. So the medicine work ineffectively to prostate and inflammation in prostate can't be cleared completely. "Men don't need to worry about penetration with the herbal medicine as the formula contains a guiding herb" says Dr. Li. "Pangolin scales as a guiding herb has strong function of penetration, thus it is always used as a guiding herb in some prescriptions. It "guides" other herbs in the prescription to work directly in the lesion, not somewhere else." Guiding herb not only can improve the efficiency of the formula, but also can reduce the adverse effect or toxicity of the formula. Guiding herb can be critical for a formula, and they vary in different formulas. Because of the guiding herb, herbal formulas can work effectively and directly into reproductive system and urinary system, to completely clear up infections. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill are always recommended as alternative medication for curing prostate infections. Steve, 29, from Maryland, developed chronic prostatitis for 3 years. He got serious symptoms like burning urine, pain urination, pain in ejaculation, etc. He decided to take the herbal medicine after he found antibiotics are useless to him. When he finished the whole treatment, he shared that "All my symptoms are gone and never come back. I never thought that herbs could cure me. I really appreciate it !" "Testimonials show that those who have been suffering from prostatitis for a long time can also be recovered,"says Dr. Li. "Successful treatment results with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill are highly encouraging for men all over the world." For more information please visit prostatitisradicalcure.com About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis.

Bactrim Cannot Cure Prostate Problem While Herbal Medicine Cures Non-Bacterial Prostatitis Naturally, Highlights Wuhan Dr.Li's TCM Clinic

Bactrim Cannot Cure Prostate Problem While Herbal Medicine Cures Non-Bacterial Prostatitis Naturally, Highlights Wuhan Dr.Li's TCM Clinic

prostatitis pain treatment for its power to treat chronic prostate problems, especially non-bacterial prostatitis which is difficult to get cured with antibiotics. Dr. Li Xiaoping's herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is able to relieve the pain and cure prostatitis naturally, highlights Wuhan Dr.Li's TCM Clinic. prostatitis back pain relief method nowadays is based on antibiotics, all of which regrettably can't cure the problem and cause adverse side effects, such as nausea, vomit, affect the liver, kidney and hematopoietic function. On the contrary, Dr. Li Xiaoping's herbal medicine "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" provides effective relief and cure without side effects, reveals Wuhan Dr. Li's TCM Clinic. Wuhan Dr.Li's TCM Clinic is pleased to share one of many positive customer comments, a testimonial from Andrew P, from USA: "I have a prostate problem. The doctors did no find any bacterium, but when I was prescribed BACTRIM (trimetropina and sulfametoxazol ) I felt better. I suffer the disease for 20 year. Every time it become worst I took your pills and get cured for almost 4 months." "I took your pills the 3 months. It cured me step by step. It also cured another side effects of the disease like legs pain and abdominal pain (it was like in the bladder) I know that some people with prostate problem have that pain, but I have only the last year. The prostate was swollen and I have a lot of pain. The doctors only checked every six months but did not find the problem." "I think I took more than 1000 tablets of bactrim in the last 20 years, but it helps only while I'm taking them. For that reason i looked for alternative medicine and found your pills. I was pleasantly surprised that chronic prostatitis get cured. Doctor, why the pills that are so good for me? " Dr.Li Xiaoping explains, "I apply many herbs into the pills to eliminate inflammation, clear heat, eliminate toxins and promote circulation of blood and Qi etc. The herbs not only work to antibacteria, but also regulate male urogenital system function to make all functions go normal. That's the advantage of the herbal medicine to treat prostatitis." According to Wuhan Dr. Li's TCM Clinic, more and more patients from other countries choose to take Chinese herbal medication to cure prostatitis. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is entering the world market with its unique power to treat chronic prostatitis. With the new natural medication, the recovery from prostate problem become extremely easy. For more information please visit prostatitisradicalcure.com About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis.


How to deal with prostate congestion symptoms

How to deal with prostate congestion symptoms

prostatitis antibiotics not helping In general, prostate congestion, which happens when the prostate becomes swollen by excess fluid, is a commonly occurring condition that affects an increasing number of men as they age. It occurs where the prostate gland becomes inflamed or enlarged, resulting in localized discomfort. Once suffering from best treatment for prostatitis, not only the patients have the symptoms of painful urination and frequency urination, but also they will feel a pain on the penis. Though prostate congestion is not a life-threatening disorder, inevitably how to deal with these symptoms should take into consideration. A regular walking According to Dr. Lee, doing exercise can help to deal with the symptoms of enlarged prostate or acute prostatitis. A regular brisk walking does good to relieve and prevent the symptoms of the enlargement. Taking a walk at least thirty minutes a day at least five times a week can promote blood circulation, as well reduce the discomfort. Keep in mind that does not sit for a long time in case of the pressure from the seat can place additional unwanted stress on your prostate. Self-Release Perform regular masturbation to help relieve unwanted stress on the prostate. According to Wuhan Dr.lee’s TCM clinic, a congested prostate is the product of an excessive buildup of prostate fluid within the gland itself. This can occur at any time after reaching sexual maturity, but is more likely to occur in older men. The easiest and quickest solution to relieve prostate congestion is to regularly masturbate to release fluid buildup. Prostate Massage A recent survey has proved that visiting your urologist for a prostate massage is another possible treatment, in which 200 individuals with congested and enlarged prostates underwent 10 sessions of prostate massage, which relieved excess prostate size, pain, and congestion. Prostate massage is performed by internal access and stimulation of the prostate gland via the anus. While some sites suggest that you can perform prostate massage on your own or with your sexual partner, the safest route is to rely upon a trained physician. In addition to these treatments, medicine care plays a significant role in dealing with prostate congestion symptoms. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has a good effect to cure prostate congestion. Due to the Plantain seed in diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works directly into reproductive system and urinary system, it relieves water retention and eliminates phlegm, thus alleviating the symptoms of frequency urination as well as releasing the pain caused by urination. Most importantly, made of Chinese herbs, diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill can help avoiding this disruptive condition more natural and safer, because you can take it without any worries about the side effects.

herbal pill is a natural, harmless and effective treatment of prostatitis compared with antibiotic therapy

herbal pill is a natural, harmless and effective treatment of prostatitis compared with antibiotic therapy

best treatment for chronic prostatitisIt is known to all that the antibiotic therapy for prostatitis can bring adverse side effects to patients, which is worse than the disease itself. However, herbal pill named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill helps to terminate prostatitis without harm and side-effects, states Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic. NY, USA, December 04, 2014 – Some antibiotics have been associated with a range of adverse side effects. “Side-effects range from mild to very serious depending on the antibiotics used, the microbial organisms targeted, and the individual patient. Safety profiles of newer drugs are often not as well-established as for those that have a long history of use. Adverse effects range from fever and nausea to major allergic reactions, including photodermatitis and anaphylaxis. Common side-effects include diarrhea, resulting from disruption of the species composition in the intestinal flora.” according to Wikipedia. Bedsides, antibiotics would only fight against bacterial infections and not viral infections. new prostatitis treatmentIn addition to the factor mentioned above. Drug tolerance is another big problem of antibiotics, which is well known for people. For example, a prostatitis patient may achieve an obvious improvement on symptoms at the first week, but as time goes by, the improvement becomes slim and slim and finally no improvement happens. Therefore, to make the effects as good as before, patients have to increase the dosage of the antibiotics or change for another type of antibiotic. Is there any treatment that can replace the antibiotics for prostatitis patients? Yes, there is. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a patent product of Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic can effectively terminate prostatitis without harm and side-effects. Here is a feedback from a USA prostatitis patient named Abdulrahman. “I am sure that I was the happiest man on earth when I wake up with no pain and no symptoms that were living with me for a long period of time. I couldn’t believe that Chinese medicine will actually work.” But before taking our herbal pill, he has spent for about two years on this disease. He has gone to many hospitals and has done a lot of working out, healthy food, and healthy sex life, but no positive result were found at all. Although Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is used to cure prostatitis, it is differ from antibiotics on curative effect and treating principle. This herbal pill is made of herbs, which means this herbal pill is as safe as food and has no drug tolerance. By improving the blood circulation of prostate locally, this herbal pill can bring more effective materials to reach the lesion area. And with the effect of clearing away heat and toxic materials, prostatitis can be cured totally without harm and side-effects. To know more details about how Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill works on prostatitis, please view this page: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Radical_Cure/Chinese_Medicine/2014/0621/1104.html “The benefits of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill are obvious by compared with antibiotic therapy.” said by Dr. Lee. This herbal pill is better than antibiotic and other conventional treatments. This herbal pill also has good effects on other reproductive diseases like epididymitis, orchitis, UTI and so on. For more diseases, please visit the official site of this herbal pill: http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/ About Dr. Lee Xiaoping and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as an herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Fuyan Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective on treating tubal conditions. The formula is patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C) with the application number 200910157894.

Herbal Medicine To Treat Prostate Problems Have Been Chosen By Increasing Number Of Prostatitis Sufferers

Herbal Medicine To Treat Prostate Problems Have Been Chosen By Increasing Number Of Prostatitis Sufferers

cpps treatment According to Wuhan Dr. Lee’s Clinic, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is entering the world market with its unique power to treat chronic prostatitis. With the new natural medication, the recovery from chronic prostatitis become extremely easy. San Francisco, California, USA, November, 20 2014 – The herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill have risen dramatically as a treatment option to terminates prostatitis effectively and harmlessly. Current treatment options for prostatitis are severely limited by side effects and drug resistance of antibiotics. Compared to expensive and unsafe conventional options for the treatment of chronic diseases, natural treatments have some advantages. prostatitis natural treatmentTCM theory holds that Houttuynia cordata has the effect of clearing heat, removing toxicity, and inducing diuresis for treating stranguria. And also, modern scientific research proves that heartleaf houttuynia herb element has significant antibacterial action to micrococcus catarrhalis, pneumococcus, flu bacillus and the staphylococcus aureus etc. Except for Yuxingcao, other herbs such as Huangqin, Huanglian also has obvious antibacterial effect. “I applied these herbs into my formula for not only antibacteria, but also regulating male urogenital system function to make all functions go normal. That’s the advantages of the herbal medicine.” says Dr.Li Xiaoping, “More and more patients from other countries take this medication. It’s my honor to let the world know the magic of traditional Chinese medicine.” Mr. David, 44, an architect, had chronic prostatitis for the last 6 years. He felt anus pain, penis swelling, frequent urination and burning sensation when passing urine. “My urologist put me on Cipro 500 mg twice a day for 3 weeks, however the antibiotic is wreaking havoc on my body and doesn’t seem to be killing the bacteria. I’m so desperate right now and in a lot of pain.” Mr. David complained. On July 7th 2012, David came to Wuhan Dr.Li’s Clinic and then he was prescribed three months of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. When he took the medication for 1 and 1/2 months, he said:”I’m so happy that the pain is gone and the swelling is no longer there”. When he finished the medication, he shared, “All symptoms of chronic prostatitis are gone. To be Honest i never thought of it. Chinese herbs are so wonderful. I have seen your profession. Thank you Dr.Li!” Patients with chronic prostatitis have now got the natural medication to terminates prostatitis. While the previously most common treatment with antibiotics raises serious concerns, the unique natural treatment with Dr. Li’s medicine will becomes increasingly popular as it has proved its efficacy. For more information please visit prostatitisradicalcure.com About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and herbal medicine: Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective and cured millions of people who suffered from chronic prostatitis. Disclaimer: The content in this press release is for information purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice. As always, you should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting or stopping any medication, nutritional supplement or protocols.